#use warnings; use CGI; use CGI qq(redirect); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print qq { Welcome to Use This Smart Tool!

Welcome to Use Our MutConv Tool!

}; my $cgi = new CGI; $e = $cgi->param('error'); #print "error: $e
"; { if ($e eq '1') { $errorinfo = "The mutation description is empty!"; } elsif ($e eq '2') { $errorinfo = "The mutation description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq 'a') { $errorinfo = "The original cDNA is empty!"; } elsif ($e eq 'b') { $errorinfo = "The original cDNA is not correct: including non AGCT character!"; } elsif ($e eq '3') { $errorinfo = "The second deletion position of the deletion description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '4') { $errorinfo = "The first deletion position of the deletion description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '5') { $errorinfo = "The insertion position of the insertion description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '6') { $errorinfo = "The substitution position of the substitution description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '7') { $errorinfo = "The nucleotide in the substitution description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '8') { $errorinfo = "The format of the deletion description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '9') { $errorinfo = "The format of the insertion description is not correct!"; } elsif ($e eq '10') { $errorinfo = "The format of the substitution description is not correct!"; } } if($errorinfo) { print "
Input Error
" } print qq{
Input Window
Please put in the original cDNA strand:
  1. The appeared letters should be only 'A', 'T', 'G', 'C', which are case-insensitive.
  2. Extra number or space is allowed but no other symbols.
  3. When the translation does not stop at the original stop site, longer sequence than the original ORF has to be put into.

Describe the mutation in cDNA:
Mutation description must follow the following rules:
  1. Substitution, e.g. "c.2A>T;" represents that 'A' at cDNA position 2 is substituted to "T";
  2. Deletion, describe it as either of the following example:
    • "c.2_4del;" represents that the nucleotides at position 2, 3, 4 are deleted;
    • "c.3del;" represents that the nucleotide at position 3 is deleted;
    [The substitution and deletion position can be from 1 to the length of the original cDNA.]
  3. Insertion, e.g. "c.3insATC;" represents that 'ATC' are inserted after the 3rd position;
    [The insertion position can be from 0 to the length of the original cDNA.]
  4. Each item of mutation description must be followed by ';'
  5. For complex mutations, if both deletion and insertion occur in the description, make sure the deletion position and insertion position do not overlap. Otherwise, we do not ensure correct results. For example, if "ATGCAGC..." is mutated to "AGCTCAGC...", describe as "c.2T>G;c.3G>C;c.3insT;" other than "c.2_3del;c.1insGCT;"
