Results for the job "wVrmqW Wed Jun 16 21:21:00 2004":

  PWM threshold: 80 %
  Homology threshold: 50 %
  Flank length: 15 bp

Plain files:
  Raw TFBSs data
  List of CONREAL aligned TFBSs
  CONREAL alignment

Graphical representation of aligned TFBSs.

Bars represent number of aligned hits found within 20 bp window calculated in coordinates of the longer sequence.
Each black line represents an aligned TFBS.


CONREAL alignment:

Aligned TFBSs are shown in uppercase.
No attempts were made to align regions not covered by TFBSs (lowercase).

                  10        20        30        40        50        60
                |   |       | | || |     |                            
ru2_Mouse ttgagtgtctgtggagcctgctcggtgaaagc----------------------------
                  10        20        30                              

                  70        80        90       100       110       120
ru2_Mouse ------------------------------------------------------------

                 130       140                                        
                            |   ||||||                                
ru2_Mouse ------------------GATCGCTggtctctggggggggcggaactcggcccgctagtc
                                  40        50        60        70    

                    150       160       170       180       190       
                     |||||| |||||||| |||||   | | |  || || |||   ||  | 
ru2_Mouse agcctgaggttCTGTGAaccTGGCTTGGAAAACctgcttcctggacttctccagagtgac
              80        90       100       110       120       130    

          200                210       220       230                  
            |              || |||||||    || |  |  || |                
ru2_Mouse agctgcggtttaaagtcATAAAAGTTAgctgtgattgacgggagctccttgtggtcaggg
             140       150       160       170       180       190    

                                                                   | |
ru2_Mouse acttggtctgctgcgcatccttcatctccagcagcgcctccagggcctagaacacgaGAA
             200       210       220       230       240       250    

           240       250       260       270         
          || |||| ||| | |   |||||                    
ru2_Mouse ATTCTGTGTCTCttacaGAACAACCG----------------T
             260       270       280                 

CONREAL aligned hits:

Matrix Identity Seq1 from Seq1 to Seq2 from Seq2 to Strand Score1 Score2 Rel.Score1 Rel.Score2 Factor
M00624* 0.51 139 145 33 39 2 4.400 4.556 0.81 0.82 Pro only
M00805* 0.72 149 154 86 91 2 5.774 5.774 0.83 0.83 Pro only
M00770* 0.69 158 169 95 106 1 6.841 7.151 0.86 0.87 Pro only
M00671* 0.68 160 167 97 104 1 10.485 7.053 0.98 0.85 Pro only
M00805* 0.72 161 166 98 103 2 9.771 5.774 1.00 0.83 Pro only
M00500* 0.71 163 170 100 107 2 3.951 6.619 0.81 0.90 Pro only
M00499* 0.71 163 170 100 107 2 3.849 7.420 0.81 0.96 Pro only
M00496* 0.71 163 170 100 107 2 4.452 7.486 0.82 0.95 Pro only
M00494* 0.71 163 170 100 107 2 5.821 6.539 0.86 0.89 Pro only
M00750* 0.70 164 170 101 107 1 5.599 8.254 0.84 0.94 Pro only
M00486* 0.51 206 214 152 160 1 6.252 5.097 0.90 0.85 Pro only
M00671* 0.50 206 213 152 159 2 6.125 7.522 0.81 0.86 Pro only
M00805* 0.53 207 212 153 158 1 5.774 5.774 0.83 0.83 Pro only
M00148 0.54 209 215 155 161 1 5.240 5.240 0.84 0.84 SRY
M00396 0.54 234 240 252 258 2 4.566 3.690 0.86 0.81 En-1
M00415 0.62 240 248 258 266 1 5.832 5.401 0.83 0.81 AREB6
M00734* 0.72 254 262 272 280 1 5.899 5.565 0.81 0.80 Pro only